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Apple iTunes – HTML Email Error. Oops!!

Oops! Even the best sometimes fail. Talk about HTML email errors… I received this email from Apple, and they messed up the image source reference links: <img src=”https://itc.mzstatic.comhttps://itc.mzstatic.com/itc/images/email/itc-header.png”...

The Web Turned 20 Years Old Last Week

  Last week, the Word Wide Web officially turned 20 years old. Back on April 30, 1993, CERN issued a statement saying that the World Wide Web was now officially in the public domain. (It wasn’t Al Gore.) The World Wide Web (that’s why you type in...

Magento Imagine 2013 – Recap in Photos

888.772.0777 303.473.4400 It was so wonderful to see so many people at the Magento Imagine conference last week. You might have seen me walking around with a camera during the conference; I’ve put together a summary of what I learned at the conference, using...

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