Sep 24, 2012 | Blog, Digital Marketing, Magento, Magento Developer, Magento Programming, Social Media
If you keep hearing that your website needs social media plugins, then the next question is, “which ones?” With so many social media channels it is difficult to know if you need to be on all of them or just the big ones? And, most importantly what does...
Sep 20, 2012 | Blog, Magento, Magento Developer
Let it be known that Mr. Alan Barber has successfully passed the Magento Developer Certification Test! Alan Barber is Customer Paradigm’s Production Manager and Senior Developer as well as ping-pong champion, and last but not least, Magento Certified Developer!...
Sep 18, 2012 | Blog, eLearning Series, Magento
888.772.0777 303.473.4400 A quick follow up on last week’s Godaddy DNS server incident: according to an article in the New York Times, Godaddy claims the outage occured due to an internal network error (and not a hack or attack). Godaddy hosts five million...
Sep 10, 2012 | Blog, Digital Marketing, eLearning Series, Magento
September 10, 2012. If you are wondering why many of the sites you want to visit seem down today, it may be due to a widespread attack on Godaddy’s DNS servers. Godaddy is one of the largest domain name registrars in the world, and hosts millions of websites...
Sep 7, 2012 | Blog, Magento, Magento Developer, Magento Programming, Magento Upgrade
We’ve recently discovered a bug with magneto version > Magento’s native SOAP api exposes most of the core entity types (customers, orders, shipments, products, categories, etc). However, it looks like the Api code wasn’t updated to ensure...