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Boulder Flatirons Six Degrees Below Zero

Enjoy a couple of photos of Boulder, Colorado’s iconic Flartirons in the snow, Feb 7, 2019. It was six degrees below zero, and had snowed last night. Taken 2.3 miles from Customer Paradigm’s offices with a Canon 1DX Mark II, 70 mm, f/16, ISO 100, 1/400...

Jan 20 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Wolf Blood Moon

Last night’s Wolf Blood Super Moon above Boulder, Colorado.  In case you missed it, I was up at NCAR here in Boulder, Colorado to capture the Jan 20, 2019 lunar eclipse.  Taken with a Canon 1DX Mark II, using a 300 mm f/4 lens and a 2x extender, for a total of...
Adding Apple Pay to Your eCommerce Store

Adding Apple Pay to Your eCommerce Store

There are more than 700 million iPhones currently in use around the world. And last year, 67% of visits to websites were done from a mobile device (worldwide). If you’re looking for a quick way to post mobile conversions on iOS devices, adding Apple Pay to an...

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