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The Importance of Cache and Index Management (Pt. 1 Cache)

Two crucial Magento Admin System settings that can go overlooked if you are new to the platform are Cache Management and Index Management. Keeping up-to-date with these processes will relieve a Magento Administrator of frustration and troubleshooting. In part one of this guide we will dive further into what Caching entails and why this processes is critical for your site’s performance.

The Conversion Tool You’ve Been Ignoring: Customer Reviews

The Conversion Tool You’ve Been Ignoring: Customer Reviews

When you are browsing stores online, how many times have you been swayed to buy a product based on raving reviews? How many times have you decided not to buy a product based on negative reviews? Learn how customer reviewers are a critical part of the online shopping experience and how to harness them to increase your conversion rate!

Magento 1 vs Magento 2: New Features

Magento 2 was announced on November 17, 2015, since then there have been additional version releases and the new platform is continuing to be strongly adopted. Learn about all the new and exciting features of the Magento 2 platform.

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