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Review: CustomerParadigm.com

CustomerParadigm.com Review Reviewed by Briana Johnson on June 7, 2016. Summary: “Hey Jeff! Alisa has been absolutely FANTASTIC! Her communication, organization and work for us has been excellent. We are so very pleased with the work you all have done so far and...

Customer Paradigm Review: Finally Pure

Customer Paradigm Review Reviewed by Nancy T on June 2, 2016. Summary: “We are so happy we found your company. So professional, clear and easy for us non-techy people to understand, and absolutely no stress for us as we know we are in good hands. I am sure that...

Memorial Day Boulder CO Photos

  Here are a few images from Memorial Day here in Boulder, Colorado, taken of US service members jumping out of an airplane and landing in the stadium. All were taken with a Canon 5D Mark III and a 400 mm f/5.6 lens, handheld. Need A Photographer? Call Jeff...

Mercury Transit of the Sun

In case you didn’t wake up yesterday and point a big camera lens directly at the sun, I went outside and captured Mercury transiting across the Sun: That little dot that looks like a spot is the planet Mercury. (That said, the sun is 93 million miles from here.)...

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