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Photography Image Backup – Workflow

Today is Pi day – 3.14. Our team is celebrating with a lot of fun pies at the office. I’ve recently had a few people ask me about backup strategies when it comes to photography; I had someone who accidentally erased images during a photoshoot and...

Do you know if your site is *really* backed up?

I’m a bit paranoid about backing up data. Last week, a story made the news about a hospital that was attacked by ransomware, and how they had to pay $17,500 to unscramble patient records and other data. A better backup strategy might have helped. (The hospital...

How do CDN (Content Delivery Networks) affect Site speed?

I’ve been asked this question four times this week by different clients.  So I wanted to respond and post an answer here as well.  Most of our clients who are concerned with site speed are usually Magento merchants who want fast sites.  But this also works for a...
Two New Magento 2.0 Extensions

Two New Magento 2.0 Extensions

I hope your February is off to a good start! We’ve recently released two new Magento 2.0 modules into the marketplace, and are having great feedback. The first one is Custom Maintenance Mode extension, that allows a store owner to be able to put their store into...

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