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What is Celigo? The Definitive Guide to the Leading iPaaS

What is Celigo? The Definitive Guide to the Leading iPaaS

Today, businesses rely heavily on various applications and systems to streamline operations, manage data, and facilitate communication. However, the challenge lies in making these diverse tools work harmoniously together. This is where Integration Platform as a...

What is an API – Application Programming Interface?

What is an API – Application Programming Interface?

Need help connecting business systems? Want to automate up to 80% of your processes? Then you need an API.  APIs are playing an essential role in facilitating communication between IoT (Internet of Things) and AI-driven devices. The traditional request-response...

Why You Need To Hire An API Developer?

Why You Need To Hire An API Developer?

Need help connecting business systems? Want to automate up to 80% of your processes? Then you need an API Developer... An API (Application Programming Interface) developer is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining APIs that enable communication and...

How to stop your custom API from crashing!

How to stop your custom API from crashing!

APIs play a critical role in enabling communication and data exchange between different software systems. However, relying on external APIs may introduce vulnerabilities, such as service outages or unexpected changes in functionality. To mitigate these risks and...

How To Hire A Great API Developer

How To Hire A Great API Developer

In today's digital landscape, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a crucial role in connecting different software systems and enabling seamless data exchange. As businesses increasingly rely on APIs to enhance their products and services, finding and hiring...

What are APIs and how do APIs work?

What are APIs and how do APIs work?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are an essential tool for software developers to integrate disparate systems and make them work together seamlessly. APIs have been around for a long time, but the rise of web services, mobile computing, and the Internet of...

What are API’s and why accountants should care…

What are API’s and why accountants should care…

As technology continues to advance and reshape various industries, it's becoming increasingly important for accountants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. One area that is particularly relevant is the world of application programming interfaces (APIs)....

Why you need to automate your accounting processes…

Why you need to automate your accounting processes…

As businesses grow and evolve, it becomes increasingly important to streamline operations and improve efficiency wherever possible. One area where this is particularly crucial is accounting. Integrating accounting systems and automating processes can help businesses...

Why you should be using AI Programming Services

Why you should be using AI Programming Services

AI programming services for PHP and MySQL databases are rapidly becoming a popular choice for businesses and organizations looking to improve their operations. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of AI programming services, why PHP and MySQL are great...

Are you wasting money on PPC ads?

Are you wasting money on PPC ads?

Have you ever checked your Google Ads dashboard to see that you’ve already spent your daily budget – and it’s not even lunchtime? That’s because knowing how much budget to set is one of the biggest challenges. It's a new year and a great time to be thinking about...

This Week’s Mistake to Avoid – Not Using Geo-Targeting

This Week’s Mistake to Avoid – Not Using Geo-Targeting

Here’s a common scenario, you’re scrolling through your social media and an ad pops up about a business near the exact location to where you are standing. This can come across two ways, one, you find it a little disturbing or two, you find it incredibly useful - as...

Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search Optimization

“Hey Google, what is the easiest way to search thousands of websites and millions of products?”  The digital marketing field is an ever changing landscape of platforms, technologies and ideas. One of the latest and greatest is voice search. You have probably used...

This Week’s Mistake to Avoid – Mistargeting

This Week’s Mistake to Avoid – Mistargeting

One of the biggest pitfalls when setting up a PPC campaign is targeting the wrong keywords or using the wrong keyword match types.  Here's what you can do to avoid this - Using keyword match types in Google Ads lets you control when your ads appear as people are...

Common & Costly PPC Mistakes to Avoid

Common & Costly PPC Mistakes to Avoid

When Google Ads launched in 2002, it solved a critical need: getting the right ad in front of a customer right at their time of need. Google Ads is incredibly powerful tool for business. Done right, it's amazing. But if you don't pay attention to details, it's really...

A Guide to the New GA4

A Guide to the New GA4

Have you heard the news? There is a new version of Google Analytics that is already available and ready to be utilized! Starting in 2023, Google will begin to dial back Universal Analytics in favor of their most recent iteration, Google Analytics 4. But wait! You...

Brainstorming & Thoughts on Marketing During Covid-19

Brainstorming & Thoughts on Marketing During Covid-19

I hope that you and your family, friends and colleagues are staying safe and healthy during this crazy Covid-19 time. First, I want to let everyone know I'm happy to jump on the phone to help brainstorm new ideas for keeping your business or organization...

Is Your eCommerce Store Ready for Black Friday?

Is Your eCommerce Store Ready for Black Friday?

Is Your eCommerce Store Ready for One Of the Years Biggest Shopping Days? Over the last few years, Black Friday has become a controversial topic. With stores opening earlier and earlier, many workers and consumers aren’t happy about the intrusion into a...

Miami Everglades Connection | Case Study

Miami Everglades Connection | Case Study

The Miami Everglades Connection team turned to Customer Paradigm to create a targeted Google Ads PPC campaign that made the phones ring. Our team found that while other people were advertising in the space, there were significant opportunities to generate leads through a Google Ads campaign. Based on our keyword research, we were able to help the client set a daily and monthly budget, and forecast demand based on the existing volume of monthly searches.

Boulder Flatirons Six Degrees Below Zero

Enjoy a couple of photos of Boulder, Colorado's iconic Flartirons in the snow, Feb 7, 2019. It was six degrees below zero, and had snowed last night. Taken 2.3 miles from Customer Paradigm's offices with a Canon 1DX Mark II, 70 mm, f/16, ISO 100, 1/400 second,...

Jan 20 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Wolf Blood Moon

Last night's Wolf Blood Super Moon above Boulder, Colorado.  In case you missed it, I was up at NCAR here in Boulder, Colorado to capture the Jan 20, 2019 lunar eclipse.  Taken with a Canon 1DX Mark II, using a 300 mm f/4 lens and a 2x extender, for a total of 600 mm...

Adding Apple Pay to Your eCommerce Store

Adding Apple Pay to Your eCommerce Store

There are more than 700 million iPhones currently in use around the world. And last year, 67% of visits to websites were done from a mobile device (worldwide). If you're looking for a quick way to post mobile conversions on iOS devices, adding Apple Pay to an...

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