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Installing the New SUPEE-10415 Magento Patch

Installing the New SUPEE-10415 Magento Patch

This week, Magento has released a new security patch – SUPEE-10415. This patch contains multiple security changes to the system, including the ability to prevent cross-site scripting (where malicious code from another site could harmfully interact with your eCommerce system). It also prevents an attack from remote admin users from being able to execute code on a site (and stealing credit card data in the process). Learn how and why you should keep your Magento store up to date with the latest patches.

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8 Tips to Engage Customers Effectively

Keeping your customers engaged with your business is a key component of customer retention and repeat sales. Learn how to effectively engage with your customers without annoying them in this guide.

8 Tips for Understanding The Holiday Shopper

8 Tips for Understanding The Holiday Shopper

The holiday season changes customers – shopping behaviors tend to change pretty drastically around this time of year. Check out these 6 tips to understanding your holiday customer and how to market to them effectively.

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