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How to Choose the Right Magento 2 Extension

How to Choose the Right Magento 2 Extension

Knowing how to choose the right extension for Magento 2 is a skill that all merchants should have. Whether you have spent hours chatting with an extension company’s support staff or installed an extension that worked on the Magento 2.1.6 release but broke on Magento...
4 Simple Ways to Eliminate Customer Complaints Before They Happen

4 Simple Ways to Eliminate Customer Complaints Before They Happen

If you are running a business, whether a Magento e-commerce site or a traditional brick and mortar store – chances are at some point you are going to receive a complaint. Even if you have the most streamlined processes, award winning customer service, and highest caliber products – inevitably someone will be unhappy at some point. Learn how to prevent customer complaints before they happen.

How to Create and Manage Search Terms on Your Magento 2 Site

Search terms allow your customers to search for a specific SKU, product, or category to find what they’re looking for with ease and ultimately, complete a purchase on your site. Search terms are important to not only provide results on what products your site offers but to also display other products your customers may be interested in purchasing. These search terms refer to the words or phrases that customers enter in on your site to search for products. This is different than the terms entered on a search engine, such as Google or Bing, that people use to search for products or websites across the internet as a whole. Learn how to utilize search terms on your Magento 2 store.

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