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4 Tips for Holiday Email Marketing

The 2016 holiday season is fast approaching. Studies show the during the 2015 holiday season that only second to search marketing, email marketing drove 20% of sales. Email marketing can play a huge role in the success of your holiday shopping season, here are four...

4 Tips When Selecting a Magento Theme

With so many beautiful themes available for Magento, it can be hard to know where to start when creating a new store or overhauling an existing store. Magento is a hugely robust platform with countless features, and if you have already made the decision to work on the...
Quick Fix Friday #5 – The Sub-Domain Switch

Quick Fix Friday #5 – The Sub-Domain Switch

Recently, we worked with a client on some major site revisions. They came to us with a huge workload including translating many image files into functional site pages. We also learned that part of their website overhaul would include transitioning hundreds of bundled products into simple products. We wanted to find a solution that made their live site the least amount of work for them as possible….

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