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Best contract Magento Programming I've ever had

This review for a custom Magento Enterprise reporting project just came through to us: “Amazing job guys, best contract Magento programming I’ve ever had. Customer service was awesome and the communication was perfect. Thank you!” We’re here to...

Customer Paradigm Adds Three New Magento Certified Developers

Last Friday, Customer Paradigm has three more developers successfully complete the Magento Certified Developers exam:   What does does a Magento Certified Developer Mean? It means our developers have gone through the process of learning the Magento commerce...

Choosing Between Magento Enterprise and Community Edition

The Difference Between Magento Enterprise and Community Edition History is littered with the ghosts of corporations who, out of ignorance, folly, or through plain stupidity failed to choose solutions that best fit their company. Just ask your local Blockbuster...

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