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Emergency Magento Fix: Customer Feedback

Last week, we had someone call in for an emergency fix to their Magento Commerce website.Here’s a quick note a couple of days later: Hi Allison, I just wanted to let you know that everything is still working fine. My bosses are extremely happy with how promptly...

How Companies Track You On The Web

For today’s guest lecture by Jeff Finkelstein about how Companies Track You on the Web, the presentation is posted here: Click Here To View Presentation: How Companies Track You On The Web by Jeff Finkelstein, CustomerParadigm

Cupcake Sponsorship of Women Who Code

Customer Paradigm was thrilled to sponsor the Boulder-based Meetup, Women Who Code in Denver / Boulder. We’re doing what we can to help bring support to all women in their coding aspirations… and this time with tasty cupcakes. Here are a few images from...

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