Jun 19, 2012 | Blog, Social Media
Acquiring customers is a huge focus for many social marketers. Think about the title, “social marketers”. You are creating a social market that is viable and that grows without you needing to cultivate every interaction. Building solid relationships...
Jun 16, 2012 | Blog, Photography
Jeff Finkelstein, Founder & President of Customer Paradigm, is a former professional ski patroller. If you’re looking for someone who can ski backwards without poles down extreme terrain, carry lots of camera equipment and still get the action shot,...
Jun 15, 2012 | Blog, Social Media
Follow @custparadigm If you are like me you started a Twitter account to stay involved in all the social media trends. Fine, I waited a while to make sure it was worthwhile and wasn’t going to fizzle out, but I did start my own Twitter account. At first it was...
Jun 13, 2012 | Blog, Social Media
Viral Pins, that’s the goal right? Everyone wants to create pins that have a high frequency of re-pinning. Fortunately around 75% of all actions on Pinterest are pins being repinned. Based on our attraction habits we are more likely to click on links that are...
Jun 12, 2012 | Blog, Social Media
Apple decides to harmonize with Facebook Everyone is swooning over the new Macbooks and Apple gadgets, with amazing image clarity, a sleeker design (if possible) and the esteem with Apple products. Let’s get down to what really matters, what are the...