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Web 3.0 Semantic Web – RDF Conversations Going Back and Forth

One of the things I try to become involved in is looking forward to the future of what’s next on the Web and what we need to start laying the foundation for 3-4 years from now in the future.I’m involved in conversations on RDF (Resource Description...

New Multilingual Site Launches

We’ve just launched a new multi-lingual site for our client, CTI Inks (http://www.ctiinks.com/). The site is in both English and Spanish… with a Mandarin version coming soon… This is using our PageDirector content management system to keep everything...

15 Social Media Maxims for Marketers

Social Media keeps coming up… in the SEO Workshop last week that we ran, it took up nearly 1/5 of the presentation. Here’s a great posting about the 15 Social Media Maxims for Marketers from Search Engine...

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