Mar 2, 2016 | Blog, CPC Paid Marketing
Last week, Google made a pretty significant change to how ads are displayed for search results: They removed all of the right-hand ads from desktop search results: Instead, there are now up to four paid ads at the top of a search result, along with three text ads at...
Sep 28, 2012 | Blog, CPC Paid Marketing, Digital Marketing
Google sent out a policy enforcement e-mail in regards to the Sitelink Ad Extension. If you are using sitelinks now, or are considering using sitelinks extension then this a blog post for you. What is the Sitelink Extension? A sitelink ad extension is a feature on...
Jul 24, 2012 | Blog, CPC Paid Marketing, Digital Marketing
Customer Paradigm eLearning Series Imagine this: someone visits your website. They`re interested in what you offer. But they get distracted by that text / email / phone call / person calling out from the next office. They didn`t mean to leave your website, but… now...