404 Errors – Maintaining Your Website Health Through SEO
There’s nothing more frustrating to a user who is trying to find a page on your website and up pops the lovely and usually creative 404 error page. As creative and funny as your 404 error page may be, there is nothing more disheartening to the user than...SEO and Fake Social Media Fans
Yes it is true that social media is playing an increasingly important role in the SEO value of your website. This is no surprise, after all if Google wants to produce websites that are relative it is intuitive that users will interact with a site the more they...Are Google Re-marketing Tools Creepy or Cool?
Bruce Kasanoff wrote an article featuring Jeff Finkelstein founder of Customer Paradigm on Now Possible. The article is discussing whether re-marketing to customers with Google Adwords re-marketing tool is a creepy form of advertising, or really cool. In a nutshell,...Internet Marketing Trend: Re-Marketing
Customer Paradigm eLearning Series Imagine this: someone visits your website. They`re interested in what you offer. But they get distracted by that text / email / phone call / person calling out from the next office. They didn`t mean to leave your website, but… now...Google bots learning to read webpages like humans
Google bots learning to read webpages like humans, one step closer to knowing everything