I think it’s pretty common in the technology field to have a deep interest in space. So when we were able to work on the re-launch of the Secure World Foundation’s website: http://www.secureworldfoundation.org/, our whole team was very, very excited.
It’s nice to be part of re-branding an organization that’s doing great work in the world. Plus, it’s like giving candy to our designers to let them work on this type of project. Kudos to Jesse, Ryan and the rest of the team for launching the new site.
Secure World Foundations Mission:
The Secure World Foundation (SWF) is a private operating foundation dedicated to the secure and sustainable use of space for the benefit of Earth and all its peoples. SWF engages with academics, policy makers, scientists and advocates in the space and international affairs communities to support steps that strengthen global space security.
We promote the development of cooperative and effective use of space for the protection of the Earth’s environment and human security. The Foundation acts as a research body, convener and facilitator to advocate for key space security and other space related topics and to examine their influence on governance and international development.