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New Extension Provides eCommerce Analytics for Magento Community Store Owners

Love Magento but feel like you need more details on all your order info? The Jirafe Analytics extension might be the answer, and it’s compatible with Magento Community 1.5, no news on Magento 1.6 compatibility yet. With this plug, you get your stats and graphs, too, with integrated real time relevant data that are easy to understand from the analytics dashboard. To top it off, you can get daily statistics via email or on your mobile phone.

Here are more details from the site:

Headline Data

The headline data provides at a quick glance the following metrics, as well as trends:

  • Visits
  • Orders
  • Revenue
  • Conversion %
  • AOV (Average Order Value)
  • Revenue per Visit

Sales Funnel

The sales funnel shows how visitors are flowing through your store, from entry to sale.  The following are the segments in the sales funnel:

  • All visits
  • Visits from interested people (who did not immediately bounce)
  • Engaged visits (who looked at a product in detail)
  • Ready to buy (put an item in a cart)
  • Customer (someone who purchased an item)

Additional Reports

In addition, there are a number of additional reports that allow in depth analysis of specific parts of your store:

  • Keyword Report – show the amount of visits, revenue, and orders per keyword in a graphical fashion
  • Origin Report – display which channels your visitors used to arrive at your store
  • Bounce Report – display the number of users that bounce away from your site
  • …and many others!
  • The Magento Community connects Magento store owners with the tools they need to perform better. We’ll share the tools that will help you the most.

    Looking to add additional functionality and features to your Magento Community 1.6 site to increase usability and conversions? We can help! Call Customer Paradigm’s team of Magento Developers located in Boulder, Colorado at 303.473.4400 or visit here: http://aws.customerparadigm.com/index/620/Magento-Developer.php

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