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Sync Magento Contacts with the MailChimp Magento Extension

EBizMarts now has MailChimp Sync – the official, full MailChimp integration for Magento Community 1.6, 1.5 and 1.4. This plug merges your MailChimp and your Magento eCommerce contacts seamlessly – making email marketing even easier.

Here are the main features:

* Adds ECommerce360 integration
* Supports multiple MailChimp email lists.
* Supports multiple interest groups
* Allows sending additional Customer data to MailChimp as Merge fields.
* Supports WebHooks to keep subscriptions in sync in both, Magento and MailChimp. In example, unsubscribe the user from Magento’s email list when they unsubscribe on Mailchimp’s site.
* Double opt-in support
* Allows to force subscription on both Register and Checkout.
* Support for batch sync of subscribers from Magento to MailChimp and vice versa. […] * Campaign Templates edition now available!

As with any Magento Community Edition extension, ALWAYS back up your files or install in a test space.

Let us know if we can help! Call Customer Paradigm’s team of Magento Developers located in Boulder, Colorado at 303.473.4400 or visit here: http://aws.customerparadigm.com/Magento

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