New FedEx Shopping Extension for Magento
On May 31st, 2012 FedEx will be switching to a Web Service to supply shipping rates in Magento. This means users of Magento CE1.5x or less or EE1.10.x or less will no longer be able to retrieve FedEx shipping rates in Magento. Fortunately, users can install the...
Google bots learning to read webpages like humans
Google bots learning to read webpages like humans, one step closer to knowing everything
Rel="Canonical" vs. Pagination : Weeding Through Duplicate Content with a Paginated Sequence Tank
If you are working on any Magento E-commerce site, your website most likely falls under the umbrella of multiple products that can be categorized by more than one attribute. This makes it very likely that you will have many pages displaying the same products. So what...
Running Varnish Caching on Magento – but pages not updating
If you care about optimizing an eCommerce site, you know that page load times are critical. For every second you shave off the time of a page load, conversions increase dramatically. For every 1 second delay your page takes to load, you'll see approximately 7% less...
Hamster Dance!
eLearning Series by Jeff Finkelstein The original Hamster Dance from 1997, courtesy of the Customer Paradigm Magento development team. We’re also integrating hamsters into our Magento back-end development, as seen in the screenshot below: Coming soon! Hamster Dance...
PHP Programmer Position
Customer Paradigm, a Boulder-based Website Development and Interactive Marketing Company, is looking for a solid PHP programmer to work at our Boulder-based office. You should have: * PHP / mySQL programming skills (write code that works) * Enjoy working with other...
Magento Case Study: Integrating a 3rd Party API, Adding Affiliate Tracking, and Importing Products
By Senior Magento Developer Alan Barber This week my team celebrated the completion of our most recent project: This is a heavily customized version of Magento which allows users the opportunity to pay for a membership which gives them access to over...
Great post about why NOT to use overseas / cheap Indian Programmers
The dad of one of our lead Magento Developers here at Customer Paradigm found this article about why he doesn't fear losing his job to overseas talent, and it's a great article:...
Magento Wishlist Module . . . Stop Playing Around With Me
by Customer Paradigm Magento programmer Brandon Lemire Magento Wishlist Module, why are you only showing your name? Don't you realize that you are not of use if you don't let us in, give use some information about yourself? When My Wishlist is clicked, the expectation...
Adapting Google Content to Magento
by James Slahor, Customer Paradigm Magento Programmer Configuring Magento to incorporate Google Content post-Magento Base Hi everybody. Today I want to talk about a process that I used to adapt Magento to incorporate Google Content for a site called Love 'n Lace...