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Adams Polishes – Magento Community Responsive Website

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Adam’s Polishes was one of the early innovators on the Web, and have a loyal customer base, world wide. Adam’s Polishes is on the Magento Community platform, and is an avid user of the Watchdog System that gives daily sales summary emails and trigger-based emails for the site.

Their site is fully responsive, and loads quickly.

Here’s a category page for their Magento Community site, for the laptop / desktop view. Note how wide the navigation is, and that the top navigational items are easily found:

Magento - Category Page - Laptop View

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On a tablet or iPad, the site shinks a bit, and the top nav goes into a compressed format on the top right:

Tablet View

Click Here to View Larger Screenshot >>

And on a mobile site for an iPhone or Android smart phone user, the site works well in a one-column view:

Mobile view for Magento Community Site


They are also using the default checkout process for Magento. Unlike some of the third party modules that pretend to give a faster checkout experience, their site has decreased user errors by sticking with the tried-and-tested Magento checkout process:



Default Responsive Magento Checkout Process

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5353 Manhattan Circle, Suite 103, Boulder, CO80303
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