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( Magento / eCommerce / Responsive Design )

Customer Paradigm recently designed and built the JoyFolie Magento eCommerce site on the Magento Community Platform.

The site is fully responsive for Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile views. The home page features moving sliders, full width hero images, and products as well.

Customer Paradigm recently designed and built the JoyFolie Magento eCommerce site on the Magento Community Platform.

The site is fully responsive for Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile views. The home page features moving sliders, full width hero images, and products as well.

Category Page for Magento Responsive Design – Laptop View. Click for Screenshot >>


The site features extremely well-crafted product photography, and our team spent many, many hours working on all of the tiny details that go into a custom design that is highly refined.

Magento Responsive Design – Mobile View. Click for Screenshot >>

Each page of the Magento site was finely tuned to make sure that the end customer experience would convey the same attention to design and details that they feature in their products. Buttons were customized, and the navigation was designed in a way that mobile users could easily browse the site, but then not have any trouble if they wanted to place an order from their laptop later.

Magento – Custom Responsive Design – Product Page View. Click for Screenshot >>

While Joyfolie’s headquarters are just up the road from us in Boulder, Colorado, many of their team are scattered across the country. Many of our meetings for the site were done via video conference / screensharing.

However, one of the most complex challenges of the site was doing the data transformation and import of past customers, orders, products and categories from their older site, which was built on the Adobe Catalyst platform. (It did not allow us to do an easy export.)

Need help with a Magento Responsive Design? Call 303.473.4400 or visit here to have a real person contact you now >>

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