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Thanks to everyone who attended today’s Video Expo presentation on: Video Sitemaps: How to make sure people can find your videos using Google and Youtube. My apologies to anyone who didn’t get a seat — they promised a bigger room next year. I’ve posted the slides here: https://aws.customerparadigm.com/download/video-sitemaps/Video-sitemaps-how-to-get-youtube-videos-indexed.pdf

Video Site Map Presentation 11-3-2010 at Video Expo in Denver, Colorado

Video Site Map Presentation 11-3-2010 at Video Expo in Denver, Colorado

My favorite new electronic gadget from today: A HD 3D video camera set up with a 3D monitor.  It’s going to be the future.  I give it 5 years before we see 3D websites making an appearance; I can’t wait for a DSL that can capture 3D images, too.

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